Last night (Sunday) I took dinner to Sisters Willis and Firth in Council Bluffs -- we had scones and a fruit-candy salad. We had a great time just being together. It was the 24th of July and there were no celebrations here in Omaha. It was not even really mentioned in church even. Weird for us Utahn's that's for sure.
They gave me a lesson on service - we read some scriptures and shared our thoughts and testimony of service. Then they asked me if I would wrote down my testimony of Christ before I went to bed. Sooooo I did. Here it is.
I just want to put it on my blog so I can share my testimony of our Savior. It's always changing, but here are my thoughts as of last night. It is pioneer day - the 24th of July -- a day to remember the pioneers -- their love and sacrifice -- their faith and courage and their will to endure. They trusted with all their hearts in the Savior. These pioneers had firm and steadfast testimonies of the Savior. Had they not, they never would have gone through what they did -- or would not have endured to the end.
Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the World. He is the Son of God. When we believe in Christ, when we follow him, he will lead us back to our Heavenly Father. Christ is and was an example to all of us. He has shown us the way. He taught us through example, through parables and through his love. He has shown us the way -- for he is the way, the truth and the life.
He fed the poor, clothe the naked, visited and healed the sick, and visited those is prison and he has asked us to do the same (Matt 25). AND he has told us that when we do these things and serve others -- it's as if we have done it unto him. I am learning and gaining a testimony of this. I taught my children this - and I am trying hard to imply it into my life on a daily basis.
Christ died for us and was resurrected. He gave us the gifts of repentance and forgiveness. Through the atonement we can be made free. We can repent and be forgiven of all our sins and if we allow him to change our hearts and to be pure and clean we will have no more desire to sin. Through all this we can be changed - we can be refined. We can reap the plan of happiness.
He has given us JOY and PEACE. He will calm our troubled souls, mend our broken hearts and heal us from all afflictions. He will answer our prayers and walk with us along every path. He is healing my wounded heart.
He has said "Come unto Me" and that is where I draw my strength. I want to come unto him -- I want to feel his love -- I want to live with him again. My testimony of the Savior is pretty dear and sweet to me. I have been embraced in my Savior's love my entire life. I am not a woman of financial gain, or earthly possessions, but I am a woman of faith and a woman who treasures the blessings and miracles that I have been given by my Savior. He has been by my side through all walks of my life. The picture below gives me a lot of comfort -- it's exactly how I feel about my Savior. He was and is by my side as a single mother. He cared for my children and I through his loving touch and blessed our lives with surrounding angels -- those precious angels were sent on missions to help me raise my children. I felt them near me often I received love and comfort from them and a sustaining power. The Savior promised that he would bless the "fatherless" homes. He blessed my home and the lives of me and my children. My Savior carried me when I was too tired to do another thing, he gave me strength to carry on, he helped me stay humble and true to his commandments and kept me in the temple on a weekly basis -- even if it was only playing the organ that week. I was there to feel his love through just being there and through the glorious hymns. "I feel My Saviors Love" was one of those comforting hymns. Oh how grateful I am that I am surrounded by his enduring love. I know my Savior lives and loves me. I have a testimony of him and his redeeming love and I am so grateful.
I know that our Heavenly Father lives and also His son. I know that Joseph Smith was called as a young boy to restore and organize God's church upon this earth. I am blessed to be a missionary and a witness of Jesus Christ. I am grateful for this blessing in my life. I have a testimony of the Atonement and that we can all repent and be cleansed for our sins. I know that we can return to our Heavenly Father if we do our part - keep our covenants and his commandments and endure to the end. I testify these things in the name of Jesus Christ, amen.
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