Wednesday, December 21, 2016

We had a discussion with Vern tonight -- Elders Pitcher and Burbank did a great job and brought an amazing spirit into the lesson.  We taught from the pamphlet The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Part of the lesson was to teach Vern about forgiveness.  

The pamphlet teaches that faith in Jesus Christ leads you to want to change your life and to recognize that we all sin and act against the will and teachings of God.  Through repentance, we can change those thoughts, desires, habits, and actions.  He promises that when we repent, he will forgive our sins. The result of true repentance is forgiveness, peace, comfort and JOY.

Elder Pitcher shared a life story and testimony when he had to ask forgiveness from his younger sister who he had bullied all her life and he had to change this behavior.  Now they are best friends.

I shared a life story and testimony of forgiving my former husbands who had emotionally hurt me alot.  I told him how hard it was and that I am still working on some things. I shared with him how important it is and how it brings peace to the soul and helps you move forward with absence of hard feelings that hold you back.  I told him that I have forgiven them and that I feel my Saviors love and that I do feel peace comfort and joy from it.

It was a great lesson and we had a powerful discussion with Vern where he shared life stories of a need to ask for forgiveness and is eager to feel that peace and comfort after asking for forgiveness.

He is still set for baptism on Jan 21. 2017 -- a CHRISTMAS MIRACLE.

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