Sunday, August 21, 2016

...just an interesting fact!!!

It is the time of year the cicadas are back.  They are like the locusts in Utah, but much larger. The humming noise coming from the trees is almost deafening at times.  I have been wondering for weeks now what that loud noise is outside our apartments.  It is the cicadas.  I don't know alot about them, but this is what our senior missionary couple who works on the grounds wrote about them.  

Besides the cicadas we have huge wasp-like cicada killers this time of year.  They make holes in the flower beds and carry the cicada (which they have stung and paralyzed) into the hole where they lay their eggs under the leg of the paralyzed cicada.  The cicada is still alive, but the larvae feed off of it until they make a cocoon and become an adult wasp. In checking on line, they are so intent on chasing the cicadas they don't bother humans unless you accidently harrass them.

This is Sis Davies, the couple I spoke about in the paragraph above.  This is her in Logan, IA  -- the corn is 7-8 ft. tall.   ANYONE WANNA COME AND PLAY HIDE AND SEEK WITH ME????

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