Wednesday, June 29, 2016


I have thinking about my dad a lot lately.  His birthday, Father's Day, Memorial Day, his funeral -- feeling him close -- it's all apart of my thoughts about him.  He seems close to me right now.  One of his favorite songs was:  "O My Father".  All the grandkids sang it at his funeral.  It was a special moment.  And all of his grandkids were there to sing, except for Braden who missed it all because he was serving his mission.  But I think Braden got a more special deal from grandpa as he has several stories where he felt grandpa's presence and felt his closeness the weekend of his death, funeral and throughout the rest of his mission.

  1. 1. O my Father, thou that dwellest
    In the high and glorious place,
    When shall I regain thy presence
    And again behold thy face?
    In thy holy habitation,
    Did my spirit once reside?
    In my first primeval childhood
    Was I nurtured near thy side?
  2. 2. For a wise and glorious purpose
    Thou hast placed me here on earth
    And withheld the recollection
    Of my former friends and birth;
    Yet ofttimes a secret something
    Whispered, "You're a stranger here,"
    And I felt that I had wandered
    From a more exalted sphere.
  3. 3. I had learned to call thee Father,
    Thru thy Spirit from on high,
    But, until the key of knowledge
    Was restored, I knew not why.
    In the heav'ns are parents single?
    No, the thought makes reason stare!
    Truth is reason; truth eternal
    Tells me I've a mother there.
  4. 4. When I leave this frail existence,
    When I lay this mortal by,
    Father, Mother, may I meet you
    In your royal courts on high?
    Then, at length, when I've completed
    All you sent me forth to do,
    With your mutual approbation
    Let me come and dwell with you.
My father knew the Savior, he was not a stranger to him at all.  My father had that "change of heart" - the heart of gold that brought to him a peaceful, quiet feeling and love for our Savior.  He knew that truth was eternal, and I know that he was anxious and ready to meet his Savior and to go and dwell with him.  My father loved the scriptures - he studied them, he knew them and could go to them quickly for a story or teaching moment.  He knew where to find what he wanted. He didn't like adversity, he didn't like unkind words, he didn't contention.  He was a man of peace in everything he did and everywhere he went.  I love my dad, he was a father who tried his best to be the best.  He was the best grandpa ever for my kids who did not have a father who cared much about them, or if he did care, he just didn't know how to do it.  So my father stepped up and loved them, taught them, was in their lives and he was there for them.  He and my amazing mom (who was also the best grandma) would travel from Roosevelt to Bountiful and be with my kids whenever they could.  My dad blessed them with priesthood blessings, baptized and ordained them and was their witness in the temple when the boys received their endowments.  Grandpa was proud of my boys and my boys loved their grandpa more than anything.  

My dad's funeral was amazing -- beautiful tributes, songs and words of love.  The evening is his viewing was filled with so much love for my dad.  At the end of the viewing, almost everyone had left -- I saw KC standing by himself at the casket with tears streaming down his face.  I went over to him with Christy and three of us embraced as we looked upon this dear man who had touched our lives in so many ways and had taught us things we loved.  KC said through his tears. "grandpa you left us too early."  There was a ray of sunshine and a warmth that surrounded us.  We knew he was there smiling like he always did and sharing his love once again with us.  We prayed for Braden that he would be comforted as he was so far away and the only one not there --that he would feel his grandpa's love and serve with all his heart for his grandpa.  I knew that night that he would do just that -- that grandpa would be there to help him move forward in his missionary efforts.  

My dad is the reason I went on my mission at 21.  It was he that felt the impressions for me to go.  I will always love him for that because it changed my life forever.  And gave me a path of unbelievable experiences.  


My mom is a woman of faith, courage and obedience.  She raised five girls and one boy.  We always said that Donald was the spoiled one because he was the baby of the family.  But I think we all took part in spoiling him.  We love our baby brother. There were leaps of joy and jumping on beds the night that we found out that mom had a baby boy.  Mom and dad lost twin boys -- their first, who died at birth.  It must have been a time of great sorrow and a time to really rely on each other, the priesthood and trust in the Lord.  I don't know the thoughts of my mom during this time in her life.  She never really spoke of it.

The gospel was always such a special part in our home and has helped me become the woman that I am.  My mother is loved by many.  In high school we were called on a lamanite mission to Whiterocks for two years which I believe is a highight of my years of growing up.  Mom was known as "Donn na" and all the lamanites called her that.  They loved teasing her.  Her favorite full-time missionary was and is Elder Terry Felsman who still to this day adores my mom.

Our home was a place where our friends loved to gather,  They loved being around our mom and loved teasing her -- especially Deaner.  Our home was a second home for most of our young single adults - a gathering place after firesides and events.

Mom got us involved in 4-H when we were young -- which helped us to learn to cook, bake, sew and knit or crochet.  We learned how to work and had regular chores.  We shelled hundreds of peas every spring and learned to can the produce from our garden.  We spent hours with dad at the garden weeding and thinning out the plants.  I have fond memories of our growing up days and thank my mom for helping me become who I am today.

Mom took such good care of dad when he got sick and through his last days with us.  It was so evident of their love for each other and she just didn't want him to leave.  But her courage and faith and love for him and trust in the Lord gave her the strength to tell him it was okay for him to go and that she would be fine. We miss him so much but know that all is well and we will see him again.  But like KC said, "he left us too early".

I don't know if this is my mom's favorite hymn - but I know that she loves this one.  "AS NOW I TAKE THE SACRAMENT"

  1. 1. As now we take the sacrament,
    Our thoughts are turned to thee,
    Thou Son of God, who lived for us,
    Then died on Calvary.
    We contemplate thy lasting grace,
    Thy boundless charity;
    To us the gift of life was giv'n
    For all eternity.
  2. 2. As now our minds review the past,
    We know we must repent;
    The way to thee is righteousness--
    The way thy life was spent.
    Forgiveness is a gift from thee
    We seek with pure intent.
    With hands now pledged to do thy work,
    We take the sacrament.
  3. 3. As now we praise thy name with song,
    The blessings of this day
    Will linger in our thankful hearts,
    And silently we pray
    For courage to accept thy will,
    To listen and obey.
    We love thee, Lord; our hearts are full.
    We'll walk thy chosen way

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