Friday, June 24, 2016

Dear Elders and Sisters:

Sister Gardner and I wish we could adequately express how much we love you.  You are powerful disciples of Jesus Christ.  You have come on a mission with the expectation that as you turn your heart over to God's will, you will transform. Your heart will change.  You will have no more desire to sin but to live obediently forever. 

Each of you have tasted of the fruit of the Tree of Life as you have partaken of the Atonement and have felt Heavenly Father's immense love for you.  You have pondered the suffering that Christ went through on your behalf and you marvel that someone would be willing to suffer the way he did so that we can return with our families back to the presence of Heavenly Father.  All of these thoughts have planted the seed in your heart that Alma speaks about in Alma 32.  You are beginning to witness that the Gospel of Jesus Christ is a good seed as it begins to swell in your breasts.

We love to see the change that is taking place in your hearts and we thank our Heavenly Father daily for the way in which your hearts are being changed forever.

The world continues to become increasingly wicked.  We will always be faced with a critical choice.  Will we stand with the prophets of God and represent God's views to the world?  Or will we stand with the world and represent their views to the prophets.  I invite you to Read the October 2014 General Conference Talk by Elder Lynn Robbins, Which Way do you Face? 

I want you to know that I will always stand with the prophets.  I testify that the 15 men that we sustain as prophets, seers and revelators have been called of God by prophesy and the laying on of hands.  They communicate with our Heavenly Father and our Savior Jesus Christ.  They receive revelation on a daily basis.  How grateful I am that we have been blessed to know what we know, to understand what we understand and feel what we feel.

I invite you to stand firm in the way you face not just now but for the rest of your lives.  I pray that you will always find yourselves standing with the Godhead and their prophets.

We love you.

President Gardner

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